
Browse Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館

Since its founding in 1953, the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) at The University of Hong Kong has built up a diverse collection of ceramics, bronzes, furniture and works on paper, with objects dating from the Neolithic period (ca. 7000–ca. 2100 BCE) to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), as well as traditional and modern paintings from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the twenty-first century. UMAG’s publishing program complements the museum’s activities by developing both exhibition catalogues and volumes of original scholarship on a broad range of art historical topics, with a particular focus on East Asia.

Drinking Cards Illustrating Daoist Immortals by Ren Xiong from The Dr S Y Yip Collection (2 Volumes) 列仙酒牌

Drinking Cards Illustrating Daoist Immortals by Ren Xiong from The Dr S Y Yip Collection (2 Volumes) 列仙酒牌

南陽葉氏攻玉山房藏任熊原作 (兩卷)

Edited by Anita Yin-fong Wong


A Brush with Irony 筆下留情

A Brush with Irony 筆下留情

Paintings by Wan Qingli 萬青力繪畫

Edited by Yu Ping Luk


Universe of the Mind 游彩人生

Universe of the Mind 游彩人生

Zhou Luyun (Irene Chou) A Retrospective Exhibition 周綠雲繪畫回顧展

Zhou Luyun 周綠雲


The Enchanting Art of Paper-cutting 巧藝東西

The Enchanting Art of Paper-cutting 巧藝東西

Switzerland and Foshan, China 瑞士及中國佛山剪紙

Edited by Anita Wong 黃燕芳 編


Hong Kong Government House 1997–2005 香港禮賓府

Hong Kong Government House 1997–2005 香港禮賓府

Edited by Yin-lee Wong, Chun-tong Yeung, and Jane Lai
