
Browse Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館

Since its founding in 1953, the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) at The University of Hong Kong has built up a diverse collection of ceramics, bronzes, furniture and works on paper, with objects dating from the Neolithic period (ca. 7000–ca. 2100 BCE) to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), as well as traditional and modern paintings from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the twenty-first century. UMAG’s publishing program complements the museum’s activities by developing both exhibition catalogues and volumes of original scholarship on a broad range of art historical topics, with a particular focus on East Asia.

Art Totems Bridging East & West 中西合相──當代圖騰

Art Totems Bridging East & West 中西合相──當代圖騰

Eddie Lui’s Four Decades of Artistic Pursuit 呂豐雅從藝四十載

Eddie Lui 呂豐雅


Rising Above 水盡雲起

Rising Above 水盡雲起

The Kinsey African American Art and History Collection 金賽收藏之非洲裔美國人的藝術及歷史

Translated by Edward Zhou and Elena Cheung 周政、張寶儀 中譯


Two Years in East Asia

Two Years in East Asia

Travelling in Hong Kong 1907–1909

From the Diary of Dr Dezső Bozóky; translated by Elizabeth Szász, Krisztina Sarkady and Adrian Hart


Classic Furniture

Classic Furniture

Craftsmanship, Trade Organisations and Cross-Cultural Influences in East and West

Florian Knothe




with photographs by David Clarke and essays by Xu Xi

David Clarke and Xu Xi


Painted Ceramics 瓷藝丹青

Painted Ceramics 瓷藝丹青

Contemporary Treasures by Jingdezhen’s National Masters from the Lamda Foundation 琳達基金珍藏景德鎮當代工藝大師之陶瓷瑰寶

Translated by Edward Zhou 周政 譯.


Mexican Modernity 墨世鼎新

Mexican Modernity 墨世鼎新

20th-Century Paintings from the Zapanta Mexican Art Collection 薩潘塔墨西哥藝術收藏之二十世紀繪畫

Translated by Edward Zhou 周政 中譯


Chen Xi 陳曦

Chen Xi 陳曦

So We Remember 所以記憶

Florian Knothe, Sarah Ng, and Chen Xi 羅諾德、吳秀華、陳曦 著. English Translation by Shally Chow; Chinese Translation by Edward Zhou. 周瀟嶷 英譯; 周政 中譯.


Ch′ing Cash

Ch′ing Cash

Volume 1—Ch′ing Cash; Volume 2—Ch′ing Cash Year Tables

Werner Burger
