The Hong Kong University Press Editorial Board comprises leading scholars from the University of Hong Kong whose expertise broadly reflects the core publishing areas of the Press. The Board oversees the peer review process and serves to uphold the Press’s mission to disseminate high quality scholarship to a global academic audience, as well as works that advance learning among Hong Kong’s professionals and students.

John Carroll
John Carroll is Professor of History at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Hong Kong, where he teaches courses on Hong Kong history, British imperial history, museums and history, and tourism and history. He is the author of landmark works on local Hong Kong history and colonial history. He has published articles on Hong Kong history and society in major journals in Asian studies and Chinese history. His research interests include the history of Hong Kong and encounters between China and the West, including the Canton trade period. He is currently conducting research for a book on promoting tourism in colonial Hong Kong. His books with Hong Kong University Press include A Concise History of Hong Kong, Edge of Empires: Chinese Elites and British Colonials in Hong Kong, its Chinese translation 帝國夾縫中的香港, and Hong Kong in the Cold War (co-edited with Priscilla Roberts).

Nicole Huang
Nicole Huang is Professor of Comparative Literature and Chair of MALCS of the Faculty of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong. Her early work focused on literary and visual manifestations of human agencies through extraordinary times, often foregrounded in urban settings and domestic life. Her recent work engages the visual and auditory culture of contemporary China, the social use of photographic portraiture in Mao-era China, and the transnational elements of Chinese language narratives across a century of violence, upheavals, and massive exodus.

Chris Hutton
Chris Hutton is Chair Professor of the School of English at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on political issues in language and linguistics in a wide variety of geographical and sociopolitical contexts, including historical studies of linguistics based in Europe and East Asia. At present he is investigating the links between linguistic theory and race theory, and the history of race theory. In addition to this interest in the history and politics of Western linguistics, he is pursuing various projects at the intersection of linguistics, law and intellectual history.

Yeewan Koon
Yeewan Koon is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Art History at the University of Hong Kong. She also works in the contemporary art field and is an internationally renowned critic and curator. Her book with Hong Kong University Press include A Defiant Brush: Su Renshan and the Politics of Painting in Early 19th-Century Guangdong.

David Palmer
David A. Palmer is a Professor jointly appointed by the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. His interdisciplinary research and teaching is situated at the intersection of sociology and anthropology, and is informed by scholarly traditions in history, religious studies, and Sinology. His award-winning books include The Religious Question in Modern China (Joseph Levenson Award of the Association for Asian Studies and PROSE award of the American Publishers’ Association, co-authored with V. Goossaert) and Qigong Fever: Body, Science and Utopia in China (Francis L. K. Hsu Award of the Society for East Asian Anthropology). He also leads the “Asian Religious Connections” research cluster at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Marco Wan
Marco Wan is Professor of Law and Director of the Programme in Law and Literary Studies at the University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the intersections between law and the humanities, especially law and literature, law and film, and the ways in which perspectives from the humanities shed light on the legal regulation of gender and sexuality. He is Managing Editor of Law & Literature, which was founded as the journal of the Law and Literature movement. He serves on the editorial boards of the Critical Studies in Law, Literature and the Humanities series (Edinburgh University Press); Law and Visual Jurisprudence (Springer); the Hong Kong Law Journal; and the Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law. His books include Masculinity and the Trials of Modern Fiction (Routledge, 2017; winner of the biennial Penny Pether Prize for research in law and humanities) and Film and Constitutional Controversy (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Cuncun Wu
Cuncun Wu is Professor of Traditional Chinese Literature at the University of Hong Kong. She is also a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Humanities. Professor Wu specializes in late imperial Chinese literature as well as gender and sexuality in Chinese history and has published widely in both Chinese and English. Her books include《明清社會性愛風氣》(Sex and Sensibility in Ming-Qing Society, People’s Literature Press, 2000), Homoerotic Sensibilities in Late Imperial China (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004), and《戲外之戲:清中晚期京城的戲園文化與梨園私寓制》(Drama Beyond the Drama: The Private Apartment System and Beijing Theatre Culture, 1790–1911), a Hong Kong University Press title.

Rui Yang
Rui Yang is Professor and Dean in the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. His research interests are in international education, higher education, and educational policy. His publications span a wide range of subjects on higher education in China, including comparative studies of Western and Eastern education, cross-cultural analysis of educational issues, the globalization of education, and education reforms. Professor Rui is currently researching on the higher education in East Asia and the modern reformation of Chinese educational traditions. His book with Hong Kong University Press includes The Chinese Idea of a University: Phoenix Reborn.