
Browse New

A New Documentary History of Hong Kong, 1945–1997

A New Documentary History of Hong Kong, 1945–1997

Edited by Florence Mok and Fung Chi Keung Charles


Japanese Printmakers of the Twentieth-Century Renaissance 印藝新樣

Japanese Printmakers of the Twentieth-Century Renaissance 印藝新樣

Kurosaki Akira and Nakabayashi Tadayoshi 二十世紀日本大師黑崎彰、中林忠良

Florian Knothe 羅諾德


Cross and Dragon – Matteo Ricci and China

Cross and Dragon – Matteo Ricci and China

A Screenplay by Edwin Kong

Edwin Kong


Socializing Medicine

Socializing Medicine

Health Humanities and East Asian Media

Edited by Pao-chen Tang, Yuqian Yan, Ling Zhang


Lu Xun and World Literature

Lu Xun and World Literature

Edited by Xiaolu Ma and Carlos Rojas


Carnival of Dreams

Carnival of Dreams

Photomontages by Basil Pao; Introductions by Terry Gilliam and Pico Iyer


Coercive Commerce

Coercive Commerce

Global Capital and Imperial Governance at the End of the Qing Empire

Stacie A. Kent


Christianity and Education in Modern China

Christianity and Education in Modern China

Edited by Wong Man Kong and George Kam Wah Mak


On the Steppes of Dreams

On the Steppes of Dreams

Photomontages by Basil Pao; Introduction by Terry Gilliam


The Idea of a China Arrest Warrant

The Idea of a China Arrest Warrant

Surrender of Fugitive Offenders between Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau

Yanhong Yin
