
Browse Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館

Since its founding in 1953, the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) at The University of Hong Kong has built up a diverse collection of ceramics, bronzes, furniture and works on paper, with objects dating from the Neolithic period (ca. 7000–ca. 2100 BCE) to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), as well as traditional and modern paintings from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the twenty-first century. UMAG’s publishing program complements the museum’s activities by developing both exhibition catalogues and volumes of original scholarship on a broad range of art historical topics, with a particular focus on East Asia.

Bosshard in China 博薩特在中國

Bosshard in China 博薩特在中國

Documenting Social Change in the 1930s 記錄一九三零年代的社會變遷

Florian Knothe and Peter Pfrunder 羅諾德、彼得.普夫倫德


from 2 arises 3 二生三

from 2 arises 3 二生三

The Collaborative Works of Arnold Chang and Michael Cherney 2014–2017 張洪與秋麥合作作品 2014–2017

With contributions by Tiffany Wai-Ying Beres and Pi Daojian 龐惠英、皮道堅 撰著


Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Ming and Qing Dynasty Ceramics and Their Stylistic Influences Abroad 陶染域外的明清陶瓷

Ben Chiesa and Florian Knothe 紀奕邦、羅諾德 著. Translated by Kikki Lam 林嘉琪 譯


North Korea’s Public Face

North Korea’s Public Face

20th-century Propaganda Posters from the Zellweger Collection

Katharina Zellweger


Ifugao Sculpture

Ifugao Sculpture

Traditional Philippine Cordillera Art

Martin Kurer


Imagining Qianlong

Imagining Qianlong

Louis XV’s Chinese Emperor Tapestries and Battle Scene Prints at the Imperial Court in Beijing

Florian Knothe, Pascal-François Bertrand, Kristel Smentek, and Nicholas Pearce


Robert Lettner

Robert Lettner

In Dialogue with the Chinese Landscape / Utopia of Ornaments / New Wunderkammer of Rococo 山水哲思/身在混沌,心向清明/探秘洛可可

Edited by Florian Knothe and Harald Kraemer




Short Story and Film Script by Pema Tseden

Pema Tseden. Translated by Jessica Yeung. Edited with critical introduction by Jessica Yeung and Wai-ping Yau


Ying Tianqi 應天齊

Ying Tianqi 應天齊

What Remains in Ruins 廢墟之問

Florian Knothe, Fongfong Chen, and Ying Tianqi 羅諾德、陳芳芳、應天齊 著. English Translation by Eleanor Goodman


Illustrious Illuminations II 輝煌的啟示(貳)

Illustrious Illuminations II 輝煌的啟示(貳)

Armenian Christian Manuscripts from the Eleventh to the Eighteenth Century 十一世紀至十八世紀的亞美尼亞基督宗教手稿

Florian Knothe, Robert McCarthy, and Vrej Nerses Nersessian 羅諾德、羅伯特‧麥卡錫、Vrej Nerses Nersessian 著. Translated by Wong Shun Chi Isaac, Andrea Chen, and Edward Zhou 黃信之、陳劍、周政 譯.
