
Browse Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館

Since its founding in 1953, the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) at The University of Hong Kong has built up a diverse collection of ceramics, bronzes, furniture and works on paper, with objects dating from the Neolithic period (ca. 7000–ca. 2100 BCE) to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), as well as traditional and modern paintings from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the twenty-first century. UMAG’s publishing program complements the museum’s activities by developing both exhibition catalogues and volumes of original scholarship on a broad range of art historical topics, with a particular focus on East Asia.

The City of Flowers

The City of Flowers

Dezső Bozóky’s Canton Photographs

Diary entries by Dezső Bozóky; translated by Steve Kane


Mute Pianos 沉默鋼琴

Mute Pianos 沉默鋼琴

Forty Years of Paintings by Yeung Tong Lung 楊東龍繪畫四十年

Edited and introduced by Phoebe Wong 黃小燕 編著


Clouds of Ink, Pools of Colour 墨雲彩池

Clouds of Ink, Pools of Colour 墨雲彩池

Paintings by Hou Beiren 侯北人畫展

Introductory essay by Kevin McLoughlin 馬凱文 撰著


Chak 翟宗浩

Chak 翟宗浩

Landscapes and Other Natural Occurrences 山水與其他自然意象

Chung H. Chak 翟宗浩


Living Kogei 藝流不息

Living Kogei 藝流不息

Contemporary Japanese Craft from the Ise Collection 伊勢文化財團藏日本當代工藝

Introductory essay by Ben Chiesa 紀奕邦 撰著


Art of the Iron Brush 鐵筆之藝術

Art of the Iron Brush 鐵筆之藝術

Bamboo Carvings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清竹雕

Essays by Benjamin Chiesa and Paul Pui Keung Yu 紀奕邦、余沛強 撰著


Standart 企硬的藝術

Standart 企硬的藝術

The Collected Drawings of Antonio Mak Hin-yeung 麥顯揚畫集

Edited by Susan Fong 方淑箴 編


Tradition to Contemporary 鑑古賞今

Tradition to Contemporary 鑑古賞今

Ink Painting and Artistic Development in 20th-century China 二十世紀中國的水墨與藝術發展

With critical introductions by Sarah Sau Wah Ng and Michelle Ying Ling Huang 吳秀華、黃映玲 導言


Cut & Sea 揭視點

Cut & Sea 揭視點

Tobias Klein
