
Redefining Heresy and Tolerance

Governance of Muslims and Christians in the Qing Empire before 1864


Hung Tak Wai

ISBN : 978-988-8842-83-4

Religion / History

October 2024

288 pages, 6″ x 9″

  • HK$480.00

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Redefining Heresy and Tolerance examines the Qing dynasty’s policies towards different ethnic groups travelling to East Asia, in particular Muslims and Christians. The author demonstrates how the political philosophies of toleration developed in the context of late Imperial China were different from the theories that emerged in Western Europe and North America during their time. Focusing on religious policy in the Qing Empire, Hung attempts to clarify the Qing toleration policies and some of the thoughts behind it. Comparing Chinese and Western political philosophies, he argues that the Qing government had a totally different view towards tolerance of foreign religions that ran against the Western liberal tradition.

Hung Tak Wai is an assistant professor at The Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University.