In Dialogue with the Chinese Landscape / Utopia of Ornaments / New Wunderkammer of Rococo 山水哲思/身在混沌,心向清明/探秘洛可可
Edited by Florian Knothe and Harald Kraemer
Short Story and Film Script by Pema Tseden
Pema Tseden. Translated by Jessica Yeung. Edited with critical introduction by Jessica Yeung and Wai-ping Yau
The Evacuation of British Women and Children from Hong Kong to Australia in 1940
Tony Banham
Edited by Kathryn Tan
Skills for Success, Revised Second Edition
Miranda Legg, Kevin Pat, Steve Roberts, Rebecca Welland, Letty Chan, Louisa Chan, and Wai Lan Tsang
An Introduction
David C. S. Li and Zoe Pei-sui Luk
Queer Fan Cultures in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
Edited by Maud Lavin, Ling Yang, and Jing Jamie Zhao
丘培培與蘇智良、陳麗菲合作;丘培培 譯,周游力 協譯