
Browse Books

Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Ming and Qing Dynasty Ceramics and Their Stylistic Influences Abroad 陶染域外的明清陶瓷

Ben Chiesa and Florian Knothe 紀奕邦、羅諾德 著. Translated by Kikki Lam 林嘉琪 譯


Crime and the Chinese Dream

Crime and the Chinese Dream

Edited by Børge Bakken


North Korea’s Public Face

North Korea’s Public Face

20th-century Propaganda Posters from the Zellweger Collection

Katharina Zellweger


Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia

Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia

Edited by Angela Ki Che Leung and Izumi Nakayama


The World in Guangzhou

The World in Guangzhou

Africans and Other Foreigners in South China’s Global Marketplace

Gordon Mathews with Linessa Dan Lin and Yang Yang


No Man an Island

No Man an Island

The Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien, Second Edition

James Udden


Ifugao Sculpture

Ifugao Sculpture

Traditional Philippine Cordillera Art

Martin Kurer


Meeting Place

Meeting Place

Encounters across Cultures in Hong Kong, 1841–1984

Edited by Elizabeth Sinn and Christopher Munn


Imagining Qianlong

Imagining Qianlong

Louis XV’s Chinese Emperor Tapestries and Battle Scene Prints at the Imperial Court in Beijing

Florian Knothe, Pascal-François Bertrand, Kristel Smentek, and Nicholas Pearce


The Making and Remaking of China’s “Red Classics”

The Making and Remaking of China’s “Red Classics”

Politics, Aesthetics, and Mass Culture

Edited by Rosemary Roberts and Li Li
