BackDistributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館
Since its founding in 1953, the University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) at The University of Hong Kong has built up a diverse collection of ceramics, bronzes, furniture and works on paper, with objects dating from the Neolithic period (ca. 7000–ca. 2100 BCE) to the Qing dynasty (1644–1911), as well as traditional and modern paintings from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) to the twenty-first century. UMAG’s publishing program complements the museum’s activities by developing both exhibition catalogues and volumes of original scholarship on a broad range of art historical topics, with a particular focus on East Asia.

Japanese Printmakers of the Twentieth-Century Renaissance 印藝新樣
Kurosaki Akira and Nakabayashi Tadayoshi 二十世紀日本大師黑崎彰、中林忠良

Enduring Strength and Passion 困乏多情 香江藝緣
The Chinese and Western Art of Ting Yin Yung 丁衍庸的中西藝術