Other Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific

Browse Other Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific

Towards a Future for BRICS+

Towards a Future for BRICS+

Edited by Heiwai Tang and Brian Wong Yue Shun


The Golden Land Ablaze

The Golden Land Ablaze

Coups, Insurgents and the State in Myanmar

Bertil Lintner


Revitalization in Asia

Revitalization in Asia

Adaptive Reuse in Macao, Mumbai, and Penang

Edited by Lavina Ahuja and Lynne D. DiStefano


Heritage and History in the China–Australia Migration Corridor

Heritage and History in the China–Australia Migration Corridor

Edited by Denis Byrne, Ien Ang, and Phillip Mar


New Asian Disorder

New Asian Disorder

Rivalries Embroiling the Pacific Century

Edited by Lowell Dittmer


Locating Chinese Women

Locating Chinese Women

Historical Mobility between China and Australia

Edited by Kate Bagnall and Julia T. Martínez


Reduced to a Symbolical Scale

Reduced to a Symbolical Scale

The Evacuation of British Women and Children from Hong Kong to Australia in 1940

Tony Banham


The Australian Pursuit of Japanese War Criminals, 1943–1957

The Australian Pursuit of Japanese War Criminals, 1943–1957

From Foe to Friend

Dean Aszkielowicz


Education for Social Citizenship

Education for Social Citizenship

Perceptions of Teachers in the USA, Australia, England, Russia and China

Edited by W. O. Lee and Jeffrey T. Fouts


Banana Bending

Banana Bending

Asian-Australian and Asian-Canadian Literatures

Tseen-ling Khoo
