
Decorative Designs from China Dunhuang Murals 中国敦煌历代装饰图案

Edited by Shana Chang 常沙娜 編著

ISBN : 978-730-2209-99-7

Film, Media, Fine Arts Other Distributed Titles

December 2009

390 pages, 11.25″ x 11.25″, illustrations throughout

Not for sale in Mainland China

  • HK$990.00
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This collection of more than 300 Dunhuang decorative designs reflects creativity and innovation in Chinese Buddhist art. The book is the result of three years’ collecting by Chang Shuhong and her students of ten types of decorative designs in the Mogao Grottoes, including architecture, murals, painted sculptures and other decorative patterns. The designs are classified into ten categories according to historical period, presenting a panoramic survey of the Dunhuang decorative patterns throughout Chinese history.


Born in Lyon, the daughter of artist Chang Shuhong, Chang Shana is a prominent art teacher and designer in China.
