
Education and Political Transition

Themes and Experiences in East Asia, Second Edition


Edited by Mark Bray and W. O. Lee

ISBN : 978-962-8093-84-7

Education Distributed for The University of Hong Kong

May 2001

244 pages, 6.5″ x 9.5″

  • HK$200.00

This book is the second edition of a volume published in 1997. Substantially revised and expanded, it throws new light on the links between education and political transition in a dynamic part of the world. Themes addressed by the book include globalisation, internationalisation and localisation; democratisation and nationalisation; colonial and postcolonial transitions; and liberal versus democratic approaches. Individual chapters focus on mainland China, Hong Kong, Korea, Macau, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan.

Reviewing the first edition, Philip Altbach commented in the Asia Pacific Journal of Education (Vol.18, No.2) that “these are very worthwhile essays that add significantly to our knowledge of . . .  the region”. Readers will find the second edition an even stronger contribution to the field.

Mark Bray is Director of the Comparative Education Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong. He is also Secretary General of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies. W.O. Lee is Dean of the School of Foundations in Education at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Prior to taking this position, he was Director of the Comparative Education Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong. Both editors are past Presidents of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong; and both have published extensively in the field of comparative education.