
Books by “Knothe, Florian 羅諾德”

 Japanese Printmakers of the Twentieth-Century Renaissance 印藝新樣

Japanese Printmakers of the Twentieth-Century Renaissance 印藝新樣

Kurosaki Akira and Nakabayashi Tadayoshi 二十世紀日本大師黑崎彰、中林忠良

Florian Knothe 羅諾德


Adrift in Time  時間的漫遊

Adrift in Time 時間的漫遊

Chun Wai 秦偉; Foreword by Florian Knothe 羅諾德


Reflected Beauty 鏡花薈萃

Reflected Beauty 鏡花薈萃

Chinese Reverse Glass Paintings from the Mei Lin Collection 梅林珍藏的中國玻璃畫

Florian Knothe, Shuo Hua and Ben Chiesa


High Gothic 哥德盛世

High Gothic 哥德盛世

Christian Art & Iconography of the 13th–14th Century 十三至十四世紀的基督宗教藝術與圖像

Edited by Florian Knothe and Tullia C. Fraser 羅諾德、韋莉雅 編


Colours of Congo

Colours of Congo

Patterns, Symbols and Narratives in 20th-Century Congolese Paintings

Edited by Florian Knothe and Estela Ibáñez-García; introduced by Thomas Bayet


Metamorphosis or Confrontation—Tobias Klein

Metamorphosis or Confrontation—Tobias Klein

Edited by Florian Knothe and Harald Kraemer


Bosshard in China 博薩特在中國

Bosshard in China 博薩特在中國

Documenting Social Change in the 1930s 記錄一九三零年代的社會變遷

Florian Knothe and Peter Pfrunder 羅諾德、彼得.普夫倫德


Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Ming and Qing Dynasty Ceramics and Their Stylistic Influences Abroad 陶染域外的明清陶瓷

Ben Chiesa and Florian Knothe 紀奕邦、羅諾德 著. Translated by Kikki Lam 林嘉琪 譯


Imagining Qianlong

Imagining Qianlong

Louis XV’s Chinese Emperor Tapestries and Battle Scene Prints at the Imperial Court in Beijing

Florian Knothe, Pascal-François Bertrand, Kristel Smentek, and Nicholas Pearce


Robert Lettner

Robert Lettner

In Dialogue with the Chinese Landscape / Utopia of Ornaments / New Wunderkammer of Rococo 山水哲思/身在混沌,心向清明/探秘洛可可

Edited by Florian Knothe and Harald Kraemer
