
Books by “Chiesa, Ben 紀奕邦”

Reflected Beauty 鏡花薈萃

Reflected Beauty 鏡花薈萃

Chinese Reverse Glass Paintings from the Mei Lin Collection 梅林珍藏的中國玻璃畫

Florian Knothe, Shuo Hua and Ben Chiesa


Living Kogei 藝流不息

Living Kogei 藝流不息

Contemporary Japanese Craft from the Ise Collection 伊勢文化財團藏日本當代工藝

Introductory essay by Ben Chiesa 紀奕邦 撰著


Art of the Iron Brush 鐵筆之藝術

Art of the Iron Brush 鐵筆之藝術

Bamboo Carvings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清竹雕

Essays by Benjamin Chiesa and Paul Pui Keung Yu 紀奕邦、余沛強 撰著


Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Objectifying China 瓷移物化

Ming and Qing Dynasty Ceramics and Their Stylistic Influences Abroad 陶染域外的明清陶瓷

Ben Chiesa and Florian Knothe 紀奕邦、羅諾德 著. Translated by Kikki Lam 林嘉琪 譯
