Traditional Jingdezhen Wares from Contemporary Kilns 巧故知新
ISBN : 978-962-8038-88-6
Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館
June 2009
210 pages, 9″ x 12″, illustrations throughout
- HK$200.00
Also Available on
This book is the catalogue of the exhibition “Traditional Jingdezhen Wares from Contemporary Kilns”. The exhibits include jars, vases, bowls, flowerpots, brush pots, dishes, and tea sets. In recent years, many collectors and scholars have been shocked by the wonderful replicas of the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1644–1911) imperial wares made by the masters in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province. These wares are painted and glazed in traditional styles, in which their lively forms and beautiful colours are undoubtedly the continuation of the skills and intelligence of Jingdezhen potters. They provide a good opportunity for visitors to compare the genuine old works and the modern imitations.
本書是「巧故知新」的展覽圖錄。是次展覽展出的景德鎮現代瓷器精品,當中包括罐、瓶、碗、盤、花盆、筆筒和茶具等。近年來景德鎮的仿古瓷備受收藏家和學者的讚賞,這批現代作品主要模仿明朝 (1368–1644) 及清朝 (1644–1911) 江西省景德鎮所製的皇室用品。這批景德鎮製品在描繪和上釉方面均採用傳統技法,造型及畫工富有趣味,顏色豔麗,充份顯出景德鎮陶瓷藝術的精粹和成就。是次展覽給觀眾提供一個欣賞傳統瓷藝的機會,比較原作品和仿古器,藉此促進對仿古瓷的了解。