黃泉鋒 編
Edited by Lee Chack Fan, Tang Wai Hung, Cheng Wai Ming, and Yiu Ching Fun 李焯芬、鄧偉雄、鄭煒明、饒清芬 編
The Cultural Production of Chinese-Language Cinema in Singapore and Malaya before and during the Cold War
Wai-Siam Hee
The Art and Inspiration of Irene Chou 周綠雲繪畫藝術展
Joyce Hei-ting Wong, With Essays by Eva Kit Wah Man and André Chan 黃熙婷及文潔華和陳子澂
Contemporary Japanese Craft from the Ise Collection 伊勢文化財團藏日本當代工藝
Introductory essay by Ben Chiesa 紀奕邦 撰著
Going Mainstream
Thomas Barker
Unspoken but Unforgotten
Travis S. K. Kong
Bamboo Carvings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清竹雕
Essays by Benjamin Chiesa and Paul Pui Keung Yu 紀奕邦、余沛強 撰著
The Collected Drawings of Antonio Mak Hin-yeung 麥顯揚畫集
Edited by Susan Fong 方淑箴 編
Hon Chi-fun 韓志勳
Edited by ASHK Gallery Team 亞洲協會香港中心藝術館團隊 編