
The Realm of Amalgamation 通會境界

The 21st Century Painting and Calligraphy of Professor Jao Tsung-i 饒宗頤教授二十一世紀書畫新路向

Edited by Thomas Wai Hung Tang 鄧偉雄 編撰

ISBN : 978-988-15315-6-8

Film, Media, Fine Arts Distributed for HKU Jao Tsung-I Petite École 香港大學饒宗頤學術館

December 2011

112 pages, 9.375″ x 12″, color illustrations throughout

  • HK$280.00

Professor Jao is fond of inscribing a sentence quoted from the Book of Changes, “As universe operates vigorously, a noble man shhould also endeavor for advancemnt.” In this quotation, “endeavor for advancemnt” best describes how Professor Jao performs in the academic and art fields.

Regarding art, Professor Jao has presented his amazing creativity since the 21st century, and the most important among his many achievements is the theory of “Northwestern School Landscape” published in 2007. He advocates that the scenes of the Northwestern China should be portrayed with new techniques and composition because of its individuality. He personally practices the brushwork, ink usage, and the composition he advocates. In addition, he uses innovative painting methods to present paintings in Dunhuang style, Zen painting, landscape painting style of Ni Zan, and the integration of splash water and color, opening up a new path for potential followers.

In calligrphy, Professor Jao’s unprecedented creativity is clearly seen. For example, he presents oracle bone, bornze, and bamboo and silk script in large characters, or does calligraphy on cavas with the application of colors mixed with ink. Undeniably, 21st century is the “Realm of Amalgamation” to Professor Jao.

