
Books by “Knothe, Florian 羅諾德”

Illustrious Illuminations II 輝煌的啟示(貳)

Illustrious Illuminations II 輝煌的啟示(貳)

Armenian Christian Manuscripts from the Eleventh to the Eighteenth Century 十一世紀至十八世紀的亞美尼亞基督宗教手稿

Florian Knothe, Robert McCarthy, and Vrej Nerses Nersessian 羅諾德、羅伯特‧麥卡錫、Vrej Nerses Nersessian 著. Translated by Wong Shun Chi Isaac, Andrea Chen, and Edward Zhou 黃信之、陳劍、周政 譯.


Classic Furniture

Classic Furniture

Craftsmanship, Trade Organisations and Cross-Cultural Influences in East and West

Florian Knothe


Chen Xi 陳曦

Chen Xi 陳曦

So We Remember 所以記憶

Florian Knothe, Sarah Ng, and Chen Xi 羅諾德、吳秀華、陳曦 著. English Translation by Shally Chow; Chinese Translation by Edward Zhou. 周瀟嶷 英譯; 周政 中譯.


Illustrious Illuminations 輝煌的啟示

Illustrious Illuminations 輝煌的啟示

Christian Manuscripts from the High Gothic to the High Renaissance (1250–1540) 哥德盛期至文藝復興盛期的基督宗教手稿(一二五零年至一五四零年)

Florian Knothe and Robert McCarthy 羅諾德、羅伯特‧麥卡錫 著. Translated by Andrea Chen and Edward Zhou 陳劍、周政 譯.


Erich Lessing  埃里希.萊辛

Erich Lessing 埃里希.萊辛

The Pulse of Time—Capturing Social Change in Post-war Europe 時代脈搏—戰後歐洲的社會剪影

Johannes Rambarter and Florian Knothe. Johannes Rambarter、羅諾德 著. Translated by Edward Zhou and Andrea Chen 周政、陳劍 譯.


Embroidered Identities 針情線韻

Embroidered Identities 針情線韻

Ornately Decorated Textiles and Accessories of Chinese Ethnic Minorities 中國少數民族服飾與背帶

Edited by Mei-yin Lee and Dr. Florian Knothe


Ingenious Iceland 超然冰島

Ingenious Iceland 超然冰島

Twentieth-Century Icelandic Paintings from the Anthony J. Hardy Collection 何安達藏二十世紀冰島繪畫

Edited by Jóhann Ágúst Hansen and Florian Knothe


Ingenious Iceland 超然冰島

Ingenious Iceland 超然冰島

Twentieth-Century Icelandic Paintings from the Anthony J. Hardy Collection 何安達藏二十世紀冰島繪畫

Edited by Jóhann Ágúst Hansen and Florian Knothe
