
Education in China and Abroad

Perspectives from a Lifetime in Comparative Education


Mingyuan Gu

ISBN : 978-962-8093-70-0

Education Distributed for The University of Hong Kong

July 2001

260 pages, 6.625″ x 9.5″

  • HK$200.00

Gu Mingyuan is one of China’s most distinguished specialists in the field of comparative education. He is a long-serving President of the China Comparative Education Society, and in 2000 he was elected President of the Chinese Education Society. Yet because most of his works have been published only in Chinese, they have been little-known internationally.

This book presents a collection of Professor Gu’s writings over a 20-year period from the early 1980s. Each chapter is a valuable piece in its own right; and, taken together, the chapters show the development both of Professor Gu’s thinking and of the field as a whole during a period of dramatic changes.

The book commences with an Introduction to Professor Gu’s life and work by Ruth Hayhoe. She is a Past-President of the Comparative & International Education Society, and has made seminal contributions to the study of education in China from a comparative perspective. Since 1997 she has been Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Gu Ming Yuan and Ruth Hayhoe are both Associate Members of the Comparative Education Research Centre of the University of Hong Kong.