Ingenious Iceland 超然冰島
Twentieth-Century Icelandic Paintings from the Anthony J. Hardy Collection 何安達藏二十世紀冰島繪畫
ISBN : 978-988-19022-4-5
Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery 香港大學美術博物館
September 2013
188 pages, 9″ x 12″, color illustrations throughout
Also Available on
This publication accompanies the University Museum’s exhibition of more than 80 Icelandic paintings, sculptures and drawings from the collection of Mr Anthony J. Hardy. Historically reminiscent of the painterly traditions of the Nordic School of Scandinavia, Icelandic artists departed from the well-established parameters of northern European sea- and landscape painting during the 20th century. Although many of the best-known local painters were trained in Denmark—a larger neighbouring country with an established art school and cultural scene—they developed with time a more distinctive Icelandic style influenced by the local terrain, mythology and folklore. This retrospective of select Icelandic painters documents a century of continuous creative emancipation as well as a constant documenting engagement with the island’s community, nature, beauty and vastness.
香港大學美術博物館為配合何安達先生的藏品展而出版此圖錄,書中收錄逾八十件的冰島畫作、雕塑及素描。二十世紀的冰島藝術家受北歐斯堪的那納維亞半島畫派薰陶,作品多以北歐海陸風景為題材。即便絕大多數的冰島藝術家曾赴鄰國丹麥 ― 一個文化發展成熟且擁有一所歷史悠久藝術學院的國家 ― 修讀藝術,但在冰島地域環境和神話傳說的影響下,遂也逐步建立起其極富民族色彩的藝術風格。這組讓人意猶未盡的珍藏,不僅寫下冰島畫家百年來在創造靈感上的解放思維,同時更集中回顧冰島的社位本體及當地樸雅朗闊之意境。博物館深感榮幸能藉此帶來欣賞冰島藝術的機會。