The Correspondence between Prof. Paul Demiéville and Prof. Jao Tsung-i 戴密微教授與饒宗頤教授往來書信集
ISBN : 978-988-15315-7-5
Distributed for HKU Jao Tsung-I Petite École 香港大學饒宗頤學術館
February 2012
132 pages, 9.375″ x 12″, illustrations throughout
- HK$1,500.00
Also Available on
The book contains three parts: 1) correspondence from Prof. Paul Demiéville to Prof. Jao Tsung-i, 2) correspondence draft from Prof. Paul Demiéville to Prof. Jao Tsung-i, and 3) correspondence from Prof. Jao Tsung-i to Paul Demiéville. The origins of the first part is now preserved by the Jao Tsung-I Foundation, while the ones of the latter two parts, donated by Prof. Demiéville’s daughter in 2006, are now collections of the Demiéville Archive of Jao Studies Centre, Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, HKU. The correspondence witnesses the history of the academic and cultural exchanges between the two great sinologists respectively from China and France, but could also give the readers a glimpse of their charisma at the time.
本書分三大部分:1) 戴密微(Paul Demiéville)教授致饒宗頤教授書信,2) 戴密微教授致饒宗頤教授書信底稿,及3) 饒宗頤教授致戴密微教授書信。第一部分原件由饒宗頤基金會擁有和保管,後兩部分由戴密微教授之女2006年轉贈香港大學饒宗頤學術館,現藏於本館的饒學中心內,乃中心所藏戴密微檔案的一部分。本書信集見證了這中、法兩位偉大漢學學者在學術文化方面的交流史實,也足以讓讀者一窺二老當年的風采。