
Browse Japan and Korea

Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age

Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age

Edited by Jian Xu, Glen Donnar, and Divya Garg


Socializing Medicine

Socializing Medicine

Health Humanities and East Asian Media

Edited by Pao-chen Tang, Yuqian Yan, Ling Zhang


Meiji Graves in Happy Valley

Meiji Graves in Happy Valley

Stories of Early Japanese Residents in Hong Kong

Yoshiko Nakano and Georgina Challen


Women We Love

Women We Love

Femininities and the Korean Wave

Edited by SooJin Lee, Kate Korroch, and Liew Kai Khiun


Han Heroes and Yamato Warriors

Han Heroes and Yamato Warriors

Competing Masculinities in Chinese and Japanese War Cinema

Amanda Weiss


In the Ruins of the Japanese Empire

In the Ruins of the Japanese Empire

Imperial Violence, State Destruction, and the Reordering of Modern East Asia

Edited by Barak Kushner and Andrew Levidis


Living Kogei 藝流不息

Living Kogei 藝流不息

Contemporary Japanese Craft from the Ise Collection 伊勢文化財團藏日本當代工藝

Introductory essay by Ben Chiesa 紀奕邦 撰著


Contesting the Myths of Samurai Baseball

Contesting the Myths of Samurai Baseball

Cultural Representations of Japan’s National Pastime

Christopher T. Keaveney


North Korea’s Public Face

North Korea’s Public Face

20th-century Propaganda Posters from the Zellweger Collection

Katharina Zellweger
