Documenting Social Change in the 1930s 記錄一九三零年代的社會變遷
Florian Knothe and Peter Pfrunder 羅諾德、彼得.普夫倫德
Africans and Other Foreigners in South China’s Global Marketplace
Gordon Mathews with Linessa Dan Lin and Yang Yang
Short Story and Film Script by Pema Tseden
Pema Tseden. Translated by Jessica Yeung. Edited with critical introduction by Jessica Yeung and Wai-ping Yau
丘培培與蘇智良、陳麗菲合作;丘培培 譯,周游力 協譯
China’s Propaganda against Japan in the English-Language Press, 1928–1941
Shuge Wei
Success and Failure in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Trade
Paul A. Van Dyke
Migration, Gender, and the Changing Lives of Rural Women in Contemporary China
Arianne M. Gaetano
The Foreign Presence in China in the Treaty Port Era, 1840–1943
Robert Nield
From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century
Peter J. Golas