An Introductory Guide, Second Edition
Stephen D. Mau
Contemporary Treasures by Jingdezhen’s National Masters from the Lamda Foundation 琳達基金珍藏景德鎮當代工藝大師之陶瓷瑰寶
Translated by Edward Zhou 周政 譯.
Hong Kong’s Dreamworlds of Consumption
Edited by Stefan Al
Western Lives in China, 1949–1976
Beverley Hooper
Canton, Foreigners, and Architecture from the Late Eighteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries
Johnathan Andrew Farris
Edited by Nikos Papastergiadis
Touring Exhibition Catalogue of Lotus-theme Artworks by Professor Jao Tsung-i 饒宗頤教授荷花書畫巡迴展圖錄
Edited by Tang Wai Hung 鄧偉雄 主編
From Imperial Pillars of State to Global Real Men
Edited by Kam Louie
20th-Century Paintings from the Zapanta Mexican Art Collection 薩潘塔墨西哥藝術收藏之二十世紀繪畫
Translated by Edward Zhou 周政 中譯
Understanding the “Other” Cities of Asia
Edited by Manish Chalana and Jeffrey Hou