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The Realm of Amalgamation 通會境界
The 21st Century Painting and Calligraphy of Professor Jao Tsung-i 饒宗頤教授二十一世紀書畫新路向

Early Hong Kong Travel 1880–1939 香港早期旅遊一八八O – 一九三九
The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited, Benjamin W. Yim and Louis Vuitton Collections 香港上海大酒店有限公司、嚴頴及路易威登藏品

Catalogue of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole’s Collection, Volume II 香港大學饒宗頤學術館藏品圖錄 II
Rare and Antique Books 館藏古籍珍善本